Arise & Shine: New Offering


Hi, lovely humans. I made something for you: two weeks of guided meditation and photography. It’s an online, self-paced offering to help you breathe, revitalize, create, and come back to center. It’s what my spirit needs right now - and I thought you might feel the same way.⠀

The new e-course is called Arise & Shine: Photo Meditations for Challenging Times. We'll be using a nourishing, grounding meditation practice called the metta meditation as a guide for our photography.⠀

Millions of meditators around the world practice metta as a way to cultivate wellbeing. It’s been my go-to medicine for anxiety and depression for many years. When the coronavirus situation started to snowball, I had the idea to turn the meditation into a gorgeous visual art project. Because art heals. And if we heal our spirits, we can face the world with greater strength.⠀

So, if your spirit needs a little tending right now, join me. This is a pay-what-you-can offering. And, if you need it to be free, it’s free. I love my sweet art community, and I hope this is a help. If you’re ready to make some beautiful, uplifting art, join me right here.


p.s. Share with anyone you think would benefit.