The Path of the Artist


Photography feels amazing, beautiful, creative, expressive, and super fun - but it can also feel a little stressful sometimes, right?

Lately, I’ve been collecting the problem statements I hear from photographers, to try to put my finger on exactly what’s going wrong. Here’s a sampling of what I’ve heard:

“I’m stuck right now. I’m not progressing and I’m not feeling inspired.”

“I struggle to create images that fully express what I imagine, and it just leaves me feeling let down.”

“My photos feel competent…but ordinary. I really want to develop my own style, a style that captures the excitement I feel, but it’s eluding me.”

“I’m bogged down by ‘shoulds’ and they make me feel like I can’t do anything.”

“I get caught up in a cycle of feeling bad about my equipment, comparing myself to others, worrying my technique isn’t up to par, and buying new gear to compensate. It’s a cycle that saps all my confidence and joy.”

“I’m self taught, so I always feel like I’m not as good as ‘real’ artists and it keeps me from getting my work out there.”

“I can’t get to the next level with my art. It feels like there’s a hump that’s always in front of me.”

It’s heartbreaking to read all that, isn’t it? But, here’s the thing: it’s also really powerful. Because, if you’ve been feeling any of these things - you’re not alone.

Folks don’t often say things like this out loud. They’re sure as heck not posting statements like this on social media. So, it’s really easy to get a distorted view of things.

Here’s something I want you to know: the statements above were made by beginning photographers, intermediate photographers, and really established photographers.

So, wherever you are in your process right now (and wherever you think you “should” be), you’re in good company.

Here’s what’s really going on: You’re doing the beautiful, heart opening, challenging work of being an artist. Yes, it’s vulnerable. Yes, there’s not a clear, straightforward path to success. Yes, bad images happen (yup - lots of them!). But, making a lovely image (even one!) that lights you up inside? Seeing gorgeous light and shadow and being moved to tears by how amazing the world is? Feeling your heart expand when you see the colors shift across a stunning landscape?

Those things make it all worth it, right? I know they do for me.

So today, take a deep breath and know: you are on the right track.

The path of the artist feels challenging sometimes (hello, hero’s journey!), but that’s what makes it so rich, so filled with potential for insight and growth. You could shy away from it because it feels tough, or you could let the beauty and wonder of the process be your guideposts (and your supports when the going gets tough). You could remember that other artists feel uncertain sometimes too (I'm right there with you on this). And, you could remember that you have companions on the path.

Mostly, keep going dear artist. Keep creating, keep smiling at the light and marveling at all the beauty you find. The world needs your brilliant vision more than ever right now. And, I know you have it in you.
